1 min read

My Artist Date in the stars ✨

As part of my Artist’s Way practice, I‘m doing one “artist date” with myself per week.

It’s one hour spent by myself doing something that feels silly, fun, decadent, or creative.

For this week’s date, I visited the local planetarium to watch an immersive show called Spark: The Universe in Us.

(I’m fascinated by stars, physics, and the Universe.)

My takeaways:

  1. Incredible how large the Universe is
  2. Incredible how small we are. And by extension, how small our problems are
  3. There is so much in Physics we don’t understand about the Universe yet. And maybe never will. Magic does exist.
  4. The Universe is made of stardust, and so are we. Therefore, we are the Universe looking at itself. 🤯

Great visit. I’ll be going back.